Beating Summer Stressors

Beating Summer Stressors

3 minute read

We all love Summer! But I have to be honest, it also stresses me out. Maybe that’s why I’m usually ready for the season’s to change (don’t hate me if you’re a Never Winter person 😬) For me the summer stressors come from how busy it can get.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s all things I want to do but it can feel like A LOT. I was talking to Ashley from @ohhappyrobertsons about this and I really liked how she uses candles to create some “me time” in the midst of being a wife, a mom, and an influencer of sustainable living and parenting content.  With so much on her plate, and I’m sure you can relate, how do you find the (necessary) time to rest?

Ashley uses lighting a candle as a cue to herself that it’s time to relax and unwind. How she uses that time can look different but having that routine helps her get to a restful frame of mind faster. It also brings multiple senses into the experience. The act of lighting a candle, the visual of the flame, the fragrance from the candle all enhance that time. If you use our crackling wooden wick you get the benefit of the sound too. Together these strengthen that connection and allow the mind and body to enter into a place of rest faster– and those precious seconds can add up! 🤗

Here are three ways Ashley uses that time to rest and reset.

  1. Light a candle and read a book or magazine. Even a few minutes of intentional time thinking about something outside of your day-to-day will do wonders for your mood and mindset. Lighting the candle tells your mind and body it's reset time, no matter how short it is.
  2. Take some time for a bath. Warm water sooths our muscles and helps us relax. Try adding some Epsom salts and essential oils with a wooden wick candle flickering for the added sensory sensation of a crackling fire.
  3. If you only have a few moments closing your eyes for a short prayer or mediation is a wonderful way to not let summer stressors overload your mind and body. If you want to bring in the benefits of aromatherapy, give a quick spritz of one of our room sprays. The scent association will help you unwind faster and take advantage of these brief moments.

I find dedicating time to rest, no matter how much or little, is an important practice in self-care and necessary for beating those summer stressors. For me it is also an act of saying, I’m not perfect. I need rest, I can’t do it all…but it’s ok. Everything is ok. I encourage you to carve out times of rest and to connect in quiet ways to the beauty around you.

These beautiful images are by Ashley Robertson of Ivory and Olive Photo Co.

Candle - Wooden Wick

Candle - Wooden Wick


Our best-seller! We love the crackling ambiance a wooden wick adds to the candle burning experience. They also offer a longer burn time and stronger fragrance throw. If you haven't tried them, we think you'll love them! If you have,… read more

Room Spray

Room Spray


Peripeti room + linen sprays are safe on most fabrics, non-toxic and has endless uses around the home!  Use our non-toxic sprays to replace chemical based fabric fresheners, air fresheners, deodorizers, carpet fresheners, plug-ins...and so many more uses!  Read a… read more

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